Thursday 3 November 2011

Lady Gaga

This is my page layout task:
To complete this I had to insert the picture of Lady GaGa then add three collumns for my text.
Then I added placeholder text into the collumns.
However, the text was then on the picture of Lady GaGa, so to get it off we had to use the tool that looks like an ink pen and place the dots around the picture of GaGa to that it shapes around it. We then added drop cap to the first letter making it bigger and bolder then the rest so it adds more interest to the article.


  1. Lauren
    Excellent work. You have produced a great page layout. You have followed all the techniques we have developed in class. Your description on your blog of the process is good. It makes it clear what you did to make it.

    This is a distinction

    You could make this even better by making sure that the text doesn't run into her body - see where the lights are on her body, some text crashes into that and it might make the text hard to read.

    The right column of text might also look better if you fully justified it (that means making it line up on both the left and the right hand side of the page)

    Well done!
    Mr Monahan

  2. To improve this I would like you said make sure the text doesn't run into the picture because it's too hard to read. The text in the second collumn in the middle I would move away or get rid of because it runs into the picture (lights.)
