Friday 25 November 2011

Skills Evaluation

Skills Evalutation:

1)   Explain what skills you developed by doing all of the tasks?
Kanye west:
Masking – I developed this skill because before I never knew anything about masking now I feel as if I can do it confidently and independently. To achieve this I had to make sure that my masking was neat, tidy and professional.
Rulers- I developed this skill because like masking before I never knew anything about rulers and didn’t know how to use them and what they was for, now I can use them confidently and am able to teach others how to do it as well. To achieve this I had to make sure I used the rulers affectively to make sure that my work was aligned and looked professional and neat.
Masthead- I developed this skill because I could do it before but now I feel as though I can do it confidently and I now know tips to make sure that it looks professional like for instance not to use to many colours and fonts and the colours to look professional should match something that the celebrity or person has on them or is wearing.
Nicki Minaj:
Magic Wand- I developed this skill because before I never knew how to use this tool but now I realise this it is quite an important tool to make your work look professional and clean cut so it looks like it hasn’t been masked.
Coverlines- I developed this skill because like with the masthead I knew how to do it but I couldn’t do it professionally and properly couldn’t teach someone else how to do it however now I feel confident doing it and know tips of how to make it look professional like keeping it all aligned with the other coverlines, ect...

Backgrounds- I developed this skill because before even though I could do it I properly would’ve just chose any colour and it wouldn’t have looked like something you would see in a real magazine now I feel as though I can do it effectively and choose colours that I think would bring out the picture and make the work look professional.
Changing the colour of the picture- I developed this skill because I can know change the colour of the actual picture to which before I couldn’t do, for example with the Rihanna picture we changed the colour of the picture to black and white.
2)  Which tasks did you enjoy the most? Why?
The tasks that I enjoyed the most was most properly the planning for video task script writing Bus stop and crazy taxi driver, I enjoyed this task because I like writing and the task was quite relaxing and calm because we could do whatever we wanted in the story. It was also quite an easy task but still had some difficulties like with the tab button to make the writing go along the page sort of messed up on my script but was eventually sorted out.
I also enjoyed doing the fashion montage because we could pick the pictures of the clothes that we liked and we could pick the frames and lay them out on the page where ever we wanted, I think I enjoyed this task a lot because there was no set layout it could be however we wanted it to be and we could have whatever text we wanted and whatever colour we liked.
3)  What skills are you best at?
I think the skills that I am best at are masking images because I got to have a lot of practise and eventually started to find it easy.
Another skill that I think I am good at are writing scripts because I got used to all the rules and eventually like masking images started to find them easy and really enjoyed the task.
4)  How do you think you could use your skills in future on the course?
I think I could use the skills in the future of the task because if we ever did any of the tasks again for example script writing or masking  I could help other people who don’t understand the task or need some help.
5)  What skills do you need to get better at?
I think I could get better at using the magic wand because even though I know how to use it well I still think that I need some more practise on how to use it perfectly.
Another skill I think I could get better at is changing the colour of coverlines I know how to do it but on the Three column layout task Ihad some trouble changing the colour of the box to which I had to leave it blank.
6)  What could you do to get better at those skills?
To get better at those skills I think I could for the magic wand ask someone around me to help me or Sir to see if they can explain it to me, I could also search online to see if there’s any walkthroughs for me to watch to see if I would then understand it but if I still didn’t I could try it again for myself like start a whole new document and practise until I eventually get it and If I still didn’t understand it after that I could attend Media club after school on certain days
7)  Powerpoint.

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