Monday 7 November 2011

Kim and Kris divorce (250 words)

It’s over.
Its official, Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are getting divorced just 72 days after getting married in California! Well that was quick! The star filed for divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences and claims that ex-husband Chris was chasing fame by marrying her. The NBA star Chris Humphries claims that he didn’t find out that ex-wife Kim filled for a divorce until the Monday after she had done it and not just that he found out ONLINE! Which we think would’ve been totally embarrassing on his part.
The wedding which was said to have an estimate cost of 10million dollars with an engagement ring that cost 2Million dollars on its own It was a very, star-studded event that happened on the 20th August, earlier this year before the wedding Kim and her mother were out denying allegations that her and her ex-husband were thinking of breaking up, well I guess those people were right and if Kim and her mother would’ve listened to the people then they would’ve saved ALOT of money!
There was said to have been a lot of rumours around the wedding some being that Kim married Kris purely for the money, this quote was denied when Kim’s mother quoted that ‘’Kim never earned a dime from marrying Kris.’’ But how true is that? We will never know...
Earlier this week Kim went to a celebrity lawyer for a divorce from husband Kris Humphries, this lawyer who has previously helped celebrities such as Brittany Spears.
My comment:
This is my 250 worded version Kim and Kris's divorce with this version I got to add alot more extra detail that I found out not just purely the 5Ws (Who, What, When, Where and Why.)
That is important for the article this one has alot more gossip and quotations. Which I think makes it more appealing for the reader. To improve I would add even more detail and information and develop my work more.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work Lauren (as always!)
    You have clearly identified the 5 Ws and written a very good article. It is pleasant to read - I think your audience would like it

    Mr Monahan
