Thursday 20 October 2011

Double Paged Spread.

I think I done well with this top even though I didn't finish it.
To complete this I opened a new document on Idesign, then I added three collumns on both of the pages.
Once I had done that I added the picture of the three girls (setting the screen resolution to high) then I added Text to each of the other collumns and on the first collumn of the first paged I added Drop-Cap.
Then on the second page I split the collumns into two for each collumn and added small pictures people so it looks as if they are giving there opinion.
Once I done that on the last collumn of the scond page I added a bigger picture of two girls talking above the text and put all of the text and picture into a box to make it look more proffesional.
Then I got two pictures of two seperate mugs, masked them on photoshop with some help from sir, then placed it onto this task.
To finsih the task I added an hexagon(shape) and placed text inside of the shape. The only problem I had with this is that I couldn't add colour to inside the hexagon.


  1. Brilliant
    How do you think you could make this even better?

    Mr Monahan

  2. To improve this I would change the colour of the shape so that it stands out and doesnt just blend in with the background and I would proberly make the cups/mugs a little more professional by making the flowery cup a little less streched.
