Monday 7 November 2011

Russell Brand and Katy Perry's wedding (250 words)

The Unwanted Guest.

Katy Perry and Russell brand spent their first night as a married couple armed by guards hiding away from a man-eating tiger who had gate crashed during the after party. The tiger that had killed three people before was well known in the community and was attracted to the party because of the flashing lights and noise. Police threatened to stop celebrations because if the community became in danger.
The wedding has a theme of when East meets West theme, was a very authentic and traditional affair, to which celebrities such as Jonathan Ross and his wife Jane Golamen, however, Katy Perry’s best friend Rihanna couldn’t attend the Indian style wedding because of work commitments.
Russell as a wedding present to his wife bought her a tiger called Machli, he specially chose her from all the rest of the tigers because the staff described her as ‘’the epitome of beauty’’ showing exactly what he feels for his wife Katy. However, this tiger will be staying in the safety of the zoo, not ruining anyone else’s wedding! 
During the after party Katy and Russell sat on gold wedding thrones, and as well as the boys, Katy made a speech as well telling us that she believed that they was together in a previous life.
Russell proposed to Katy whilst on holiday after a three month whirlwind romance to which Katy was swept of her feet by the unlikely match of Russell Brand! Who would’ve guessed that would happen!
My Comment:
This is my 250 worded version of Katy Perry's and Russell Brands wedding which I called 'The Unwanted Guest.'
I noticed compared to the 150 worded article the more words your allowed to have the more detail you can include.
I thought this task was quite easy but like the other article to improve I could add more detail.

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