Monday 28 November 2011

Mood Board - Childrens Tv

This is my childrens tv mood board to complete this I had to open a publisher document and then I searched on the internet independently ''Childrens Tv'' then once I had an idea for my theme which was Cbeebies I then searched ''Cbeebies characters'' to which a lot of pictures of characters came up and I then realised that a theme colour could be blue because of the cbeebies name actualy had an blue background which I used for my background with Cbeebies in the middle, I then placed the little yellow blobs all around the page as cbeebies use them alot and its an easy way to recognise that the mood board is about cbeebies. After that I got some light blue sploges and placed them around the page to which I placed the character pictures on top of.

Friday 25 November 2011

Evaluation Skills Powerpoint.

Skills Evaluation

Skills Evalutation:

1)   Explain what skills you developed by doing all of the tasks?
Kanye west:
Masking – I developed this skill because before I never knew anything about masking now I feel as if I can do it confidently and independently. To achieve this I had to make sure that my masking was neat, tidy and professional.
Rulers- I developed this skill because like masking before I never knew anything about rulers and didn’t know how to use them and what they was for, now I can use them confidently and am able to teach others how to do it as well. To achieve this I had to make sure I used the rulers affectively to make sure that my work was aligned and looked professional and neat.
Masthead- I developed this skill because I could do it before but now I feel as though I can do it confidently and I now know tips to make sure that it looks professional like for instance not to use to many colours and fonts and the colours to look professional should match something that the celebrity or person has on them or is wearing.
Nicki Minaj:
Magic Wand- I developed this skill because before I never knew how to use this tool but now I realise this it is quite an important tool to make your work look professional and clean cut so it looks like it hasn’t been masked.
Coverlines- I developed this skill because like with the masthead I knew how to do it but I couldn’t do it professionally and properly couldn’t teach someone else how to do it however now I feel confident doing it and know tips of how to make it look professional like keeping it all aligned with the other coverlines, ect...

Backgrounds- I developed this skill because before even though I could do it I properly would’ve just chose any colour and it wouldn’t have looked like something you would see in a real magazine now I feel as though I can do it effectively and choose colours that I think would bring out the picture and make the work look professional.
Changing the colour of the picture- I developed this skill because I can know change the colour of the actual picture to which before I couldn’t do, for example with the Rihanna picture we changed the colour of the picture to black and white.
2)  Which tasks did you enjoy the most? Why?
The tasks that I enjoyed the most was most properly the planning for video task script writing Bus stop and crazy taxi driver, I enjoyed this task because I like writing and the task was quite relaxing and calm because we could do whatever we wanted in the story. It was also quite an easy task but still had some difficulties like with the tab button to make the writing go along the page sort of messed up on my script but was eventually sorted out.
I also enjoyed doing the fashion montage because we could pick the pictures of the clothes that we liked and we could pick the frames and lay them out on the page where ever we wanted, I think I enjoyed this task a lot because there was no set layout it could be however we wanted it to be and we could have whatever text we wanted and whatever colour we liked.
3)  What skills are you best at?
I think the skills that I am best at are masking images because I got to have a lot of practise and eventually started to find it easy.
Another skill that I think I am good at are writing scripts because I got used to all the rules and eventually like masking images started to find them easy and really enjoyed the task.
4)  How do you think you could use your skills in future on the course?
I think I could use the skills in the future of the task because if we ever did any of the tasks again for example script writing or masking  I could help other people who don’t understand the task or need some help.
5)  What skills do you need to get better at?
I think I could get better at using the magic wand because even though I know how to use it well I still think that I need some more practise on how to use it perfectly.
Another skill I think I could get better at is changing the colour of coverlines I know how to do it but on the Three column layout task Ihad some trouble changing the colour of the box to which I had to leave it blank.
6)  What could you do to get better at those skills?
To get better at those skills I think I could for the magic wand ask someone around me to help me or Sir to see if they can explain it to me, I could also search online to see if there’s any walkthroughs for me to watch to see if I would then understand it but if I still didn’t I could try it again for myself like start a whole new document and practise until I eventually get it and If I still didn’t understand it after that I could attend Media club after school on certain days
7)  Powerpoint.

Thursday 24 November 2011

StoryBoard Taxi Ride.

This is my Storyboard from my script about The Taxi Driver. (Sorry about the bad drawing) To achieve this I had to draw the picture of what I wanted to see then I had to draw black or white arrows depending on the camera movements or normal movements. Then I had to add text to the side of the picture to show whether it was outside or inside (EXT OR INT) where it is (shops, cafe, school, ect..) and what time of day it was (Late afternoon or morning). I also said what time of shot it was for example if it was a extreme close up or walking room shot then I said what camera movements if there is one and I include any other information that I think is needed.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Boyfriend Cheating (FINISHED)

Ext.Bus stop.Morning.

CHARLEY sits at the bus stop and watches the cars go by. BILLIE sits down beside her and sighs before beginning to talk.

          You know were really close friends and...
Well... Okay... Let’s say you know something about someone and that someone happens to be        something very important to one of your best friends,what would you do would you tell the        person and risk breaking their heart or would you keep quiet and hope the situation dies          down and goes away...
CHARLEY looks at BILLIE confusingly but still doesn’t get what BILLIE is trying to say.
          BILLIE are you trying to tell me something?
          No, well ermmm... No.
CHARLEY looks at BILLIE suspiciously.
          You know you can tell me if there is?
BILLIE thinks about things for a minute before beginning to talk.
You know at the party yesterday when you feel asleep on the sofa...?
Well, I was drunk and this other person was drunk and Well we started talking and kissed.....
CHARLEY smiled not realising what she means by this.
          Awww BILL, who's the mystery guy?
BILLIE looks to the floor.
Well I truly didn’t realise who I was talking to until after it had happened and you know I would never do anything like this, it was purely because I was drunk. Promise you won’t get angry promise.
CHARLEY frowns, starting to put two and two toghether and stares straight into BILLIES EYES
          Spit it out, who was it.
          It was...
BILLIE looks to the floor and tears start to fall down her face.
          It was... BOB.
CHARLEY looks at BILLIE and slaps her straight across the face.
You...YOU traitor! I thought we were friends but all along you have been behind my back going out with my boyfriend! Whats wrong can’t find a boyfriend for yourself so you have to take mine!
BILLIE holding her face from the shock of the slap.
It was never like that CHARLEY, it wasn't intended. It just sorta happened, trust me.
I will never trust you ever, ever again! Friend! pfft! You will never be no friend of mine!
CHARLEY takes out her phone and begins to dial an number.
          Who are you calling?!?
Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m calling BOB. I think it’s time we see what        really happened that night, when you and him went behind my back...and to think I ever         trusted you, to think I used to trust you with everything and used to call you my BESTFRIEND!
CHARLEY begins to talk on phone.
Hello, we need to talk, now! Can we meet? No, this needs to be sorted now! No not on the phone! Ok... Hurry, bye.
          What are you looking at, come with me!
          Where are we going?!?
          I said where are we going?!?
CHARLEY continues to ignore BILLIE and sticks her hand out for the bus.
CHARLEY looks around before seeing BOB sitting on a bench in an empty side of the park.
                        Come, now.
CHARLEY and BILLIE walk towards BOB.
          Hey girls, how can I be of assistance?
BILLIE looks down.
Oh, I just thought that you wanted to have a chat with your girlfriend...
BOB signals for CHARLEY to come and sit with him.
          Not me... Her.
CHARLEY pushes BILLIE down to sit with BOB.
          Oh look what an happy couple.
BOB looks at CHARLEY confusingly.
What are you on about CHARLEY, your my girlfriend! You know that, what makes you think that she’s my girlfriend!?
BILLIE gives BOB an evil glance.
          Actually the girl your calling SHE has a name!
Shut up, both of you! I know your little secret from the party! How could you do this to me BOB! I thought you loved me!
CHARLEY you know it was never supposed to happen it was an drunken moment, an accident! I love you CHARLEY and wouldn’t ever do this to you! It just happened CHAR believe me.
How could I ever believe you again! You cheated on me with my bestfriend! How could you BOB I thought you loved me, what was I never good enough for you?!? Did you just want me to get to her! Tell me! I would've changed for you! Because we was soul mates...
          I told you before..
          Shut it! You tramp!
          Char... babe...
          Don't ever call me that... Again!
Okay, okay calm down ba... I mean Char you know I love you and always will look this was an druken mistake thats escalated into something stupid, if I could turn back time you know I would! I would do anything to be with you... Char..
Oh... I loved you, now I see sense you mean nothing to me now and now thinking of it, I need to protect other girls and boys for that creature of there from you doing that to them! I think I need to do my bit by protecting them from yous!
Char, I mean CHARLIE what are you on about? BOB.. what does she mean...?
BILLIE stares frantically at BOB and CHARLEY.
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that...Just enjoy your time while you have it...
          Enjoy what time CHARLEY??!!
CHARLEY looks around to the bushes.
CHARLEY? Yo.. you ain't gonna do anything stupid.. are you? CHAR?! Are you listening to me?!
I'm listening and all I'm hearing is rubbish... Just go, go live your lives toghether, have that happy ending that we was supposed to share! Not you and him! Just I don't want you to come running to me when he breaks your heart like his done mine....
Tears roll down CHARLEYS eyes.
          I love you CHARLEY I really do...
It's just not enough anymore... You've made your bed, now lay in it. My presence is unwanted now and I'm not going to be here now for you to laugh at, leave me, I don't want to be here anymore....
CHARLEY what do you mean you dont want to be here anymore?!? CHARLEY... It was a mistake trust me!
GO, leave me here! Leave me, go live your fantastic lives! You live and learn and I've learnt that even your closest friends will betray you and I just can't believe I've learnt it this way but you both mean nothing to me anymore, I can't believe I trusted you... Well now it's time for you to find out and know how I feel, to have your heart ripped out you like it was nothing, to know you have been betrayed in one of the worst possible ways by your bestfriend and and the person you thought you loved. Well goodbye and I hope you both rot!
CHARLEY turns and starts walking away..
          No, leave her, let her be...
BILLIE and CHARLEY cry knowing that there friendship has officially ended.
My Comment:
This is my finished version of the script about the Boyfriend cheating,  in this version I fixed my work by making it all allign unlike the other version (the uncompleted one) it looks alot more tidy and professional.

Monday 14 November 2011

Script- the taxi ride

Ext.On a street in New York, America. Late Afternoon.
(Snowing)KIM pulls out her phone and texts her husband that she is finished shopping and is going to start to go home. She whistles for a taxi to come, the taxi pulls up next to her.
          45, Anchor Avenue please...
              TAXI DRIVER (BILL)
          Sure hop in.
KIM places all her Christmas shopping into the taxi and sits in the back seat.
              TAXI DRIVER (BILL)
          So what’s a lady like you doing out on such a cold             afternoon?
          Christmas shopping for the kids, this holiday seems to             be costing more and more!
KIM laughs and so does the TAXI DRIVER (BILL.)
              TAXI DRIVER (BILL)
          I know that feeling! The names BILL and yours?
          Nice to meet you BILL, I’m KIM.
BILL smiles at KIM in the window. KIMS phone starts to ring. She answers.
          Hey, yeah I’m on my way home, I’m just at... Sorry             BILL where are we?
          BILL? That was my turning?!
Muffled sound of the HUSBAND on the phone starting to yell...
          BILL?!? Where are you taking me that was my turning!?!
BILL starts accelerating and turns down an deserted corner.
          BILL, please your scaring me! Take me home please!
KIM starts to cry. The car stops, BILL reaches back and grabs the phone that KIM is clutching, but she won’t let go.
          Give me the phone! NOW!     
KIM gives him the phone and he throws it out the window smashing it on the floor.
          Why, why are you doing this! Please take me home my            kids they need me! My husband! Oh my husband he’ll be              so worried! He’ll call the police! Take me back now,             I’ll stop him... I promise! Please, take me back!              Please BILL! PLEASEEEE!
KIM at this point is sobbing. BILL just smiles and watches her through the mirror, just before speeding off again.
          BILL..? BILL? Please take me home, it’s getting dark!
          Shut up NOW!
My comment:
This work is not finished and is still a working process, I used all the rules like names in capitals and dialouge and actions alligned but this doesn't show on the blog because of problems which I don't know however Sir knows about this...
Working process....

Script Boyfriend Cheating

Ext.Bus stop.Morning.
CHARLEY sits at the bus stop and watches the cars go by. BILLIE sits down beside her and sighs before beginning to talk.
          You know were really close friends and...
Well... Okay... Let’s say you know something about someone and that someone happens to be something very important to one of your best friends, what would you do would you tell the person and risk breaking their heart or would you keep quiet and hope the situation dies down and goes away...
CHARLEY looks at BILLIE confusingly but still doesn’t get what BILLIE is trying to say.
          BILLIE are you trying to tell me something?
          No, well ermm... No.   
CHARLEY looks at BILLIE suspiciously.
          You know you can tell me if there is?
BILLIE thinks about things for a minute before starting to talk.
          You know at the party yesterday when you fell asleep               on the sofa...
          Well, I was drunk and this other person was drunk and
          Well we started talking and kissed.....
CHARLEY smiled, not realising what she means by that.
          Awww BILL, so who is this mystery guy?
BILLIE looks to the floor.
          Well I truly didn’t realise who I was talking to until         after it had happened and you know I would never do            anything like this, it was purely because I was drunk.             Promise you won’t get angry promise.
CHARLEY frowns, starting to put two and two together and stares straight into BILLIES eyes
          Spit it out, who was it.
          It was...
BILLIE looks to the floor again and tears begin to fall down her face.
          It was...BOB
CHARLEY looks at BILLIE and slaps her straight across the face.

          You...YOU traitor! I thought we were friends but all              along you have been behind my back going out with my                 boyfriend! Whats wrong can’t find a boyfriend for              yourself so you have to take mine!
BILLIE holding her face after the shock of the slap.
          It was never like that CHARLEY, never it was intended.             It just sort of happened, really trust me.
           I will never trust you again never, friend...                 You will never ever again be no friend of mine!
CHARLEY takes out phone and begins to dial a number.
          Who are you calling?!
Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m calling BOB. I think it’s time we see what really happened that night, when you and him went behind my back...and to think I ever trusted you, to think I used to trust you with everything and used to call you my BESTFRIEND!
CHARLEY begins to talk on mobile.
          Hello, we need to meet now! No this can’t be sorted on         phone! Come now. Bye.
          What you looking at. Come with me.
          Where we going?
          I said where we going?!
CHARLEY continues to ignore BILLIE and sticks her hand out for the bus.
EXT. Park. Morning.
CHARLEY looks around before seeing BOB sitting on a bench in an empty side of the park.
          Come, now.
CHARLEY and BILLIE walk towards BOB.
          Hey girls, how can I be of assistance?
BILLIE looks down.
          Oh, I just thought that you wanted to have a chat with             your girlfriend...
BOB signals for CHARLEY to come and sit with him.
          Not me... Her.
CHARLEY pushes BILLIE down to sit with BOB.
          Oh look what an happy couple.
BOB looks at CHARLEY confusingly.
          What are you on about CHARLEY, your my girlfriend! You         know that, what makes you think that she’s my                  girlfriend!?
BILLIE gives BOB an evil glance.
          Actually the girl your calling SHE has a name!
          Shut up, both of you! I know your little secret from               the party! How could you do this to me BOB! I thought              you loved me!
          CHARLEY you know it was never supposed to happen it            was an drunken moment, an accident! I love you CHARLEY        and wouldn’t ever do this to you! It just happened            char believe me.

My comment:
My work is unfinished at this momment, but think I done well to keep to the rules like names in capitals and allignment even though on this Blog it doesn't come up like it does on the actual word process (However, sir knows about this.) Working process....