Thursday 20 October 2011

Get the look.

I think that I done well with this task,
To complete this task I opened a new document on Photoshop, Then I found some images on River island, Then I masked the images and then copied them and changed the colour using paint bucket to blue so it gave the effect as though it had been stuck down. After doing that I added text forinstance ''get the look'' and ''2011 girls'' and the prices of the clothes/shoes. Once I had done that I added love hearts so that page didn't look empty and a bigger love heart underneath the pink dress.


  1. hmm, very, umm Pink!!!
    Love it! It's really got style
    Just make sure that the clothes are the star of the show. Do you think the dress stands out enough against that pink background?
    this is a Distinction - you have used so many great techniques here and shown you really know what you are doing.
    What do you think you could do to improve this piece of work?

    Mr Monahan

  2. To improve this piece of work I would change the colour of the heart to maybe white or something like that so that the dress stands out more and isn't just hidden in the heart because of the colour.
