Thursday 20 October 2011

Three Collumn Layout

I think I done well on this task, even though I had a few problems.
To complete this I had to start a new document on Idesign, then I had to make three collumns, after that I made another collumn that was much bigger than the rest of them, after that I placed a picture of Jessie-J and another little girl who was in one of her videos (who's laughuing now) and that is ment to be her when she was younger.
After that in the in the other three collumns I went on placeholder text and put that into the following three collumns (placeholder text is a type of text that is not english, it's just aload of writing that means nothing which people use to fill tha collumns.)
Once I had filled the collumns with placeholder text I went to the first collumn and saw the first letter which I used dropCap which makes that letter Bigger and more noticeable.
After doing that I made another collum in between the writing on the third collumn to which I Typed in ''She's like the sister I never had'' in bigger writing and a bright font (pink to match Jessie-J's lipstick.) I done this so it would draw the reader in by seeing that topic.
After that I added a small title underneath the picture of Jessie J and Mini Jessie saying Jessie J reveals all. Although it's small I still think it's a good way to draw an reader in, because then they would be wondering reveal what?


  1. Brilliant!

    To improve this I would think about fixing up your headline and centre the text in the pull quote. A coloured background on the pull quote will also help get the reader's attention

    Mr Monahan

  2. To improve this I would make the headline so that it's bigger and would draw the readers attention because right now it looks as if it just the start of the actual article and the only thing seperating it from the text is because it's underlined. I would also on the pull quote make it a coloured background however when we was actually doing this task I had trouble doing that and the colour would not change.
