Thursday 20 October 2011

Double Paged Spread.

I think I done well with this top even though I didn't finish it.
To complete this I opened a new document on Idesign, then I added three collumns on both of the pages.
Once I had done that I added the picture of the three girls (setting the screen resolution to high) then I added Text to each of the other collumns and on the first collumn of the first paged I added Drop-Cap.
Then on the second page I split the collumns into two for each collumn and added small pictures people so it looks as if they are giving there opinion.
Once I done that on the last collumn of the scond page I added a bigger picture of two girls talking above the text and put all of the text and picture into a box to make it look more proffesional.
Then I got two pictures of two seperate mugs, masked them on photoshop with some help from sir, then placed it onto this task.
To finsih the task I added an hexagon(shape) and placed text inside of the shape. The only problem I had with this is that I couldn't add colour to inside the hexagon.

Get the look.

I think that I done well with this task,
To complete this task I opened a new document on Photoshop, Then I found some images on River island, Then I masked the images and then copied them and changed the colour using paint bucket to blue so it gave the effect as though it had been stuck down. After doing that I added text forinstance ''get the look'' and ''2011 girls'' and the prices of the clothes/shoes. Once I had done that I added love hearts so that page didn't look empty and a bigger love heart underneath the pink dress.

Three Collumn Layout

I think I done well on this task, even though I had a few problems.
To complete this I had to start a new document on Idesign, then I had to make three collumns, after that I made another collumn that was much bigger than the rest of them, after that I placed a picture of Jessie-J and another little girl who was in one of her videos (who's laughuing now) and that is ment to be her when she was younger.
After that in the in the other three collumns I went on placeholder text and put that into the following three collumns (placeholder text is a type of text that is not english, it's just aload of writing that means nothing which people use to fill tha collumns.)
Once I had filled the collumns with placeholder text I went to the first collumn and saw the first letter which I used dropCap which makes that letter Bigger and more noticeable.
After doing that I made another collum in between the writing on the third collumn to which I Typed in ''She's like the sister I never had'' in bigger writing and a bright font (pink to match Jessie-J's lipstick.) I done this so it would draw the reader in by seeing that topic.
After that I added a small title underneath the picture of Jessie J and Mini Jessie saying Jessie J reveals all. Although it's small I still think it's a good way to draw an reader in, because then they would be wondering reveal what?

Monday 10 October 2011

Fashion Montage


Me & Brogan worked together to make this fashion montage. We are proud of what we've achieved so far, this piece has not been completed yet.

We got a normal white a4 background on Photoshop, went to google and found a butterfly frame to put our choosen clothing inside. Because we want to put the clothing inside, we had to mask the frame. We then masked the different clothing and placed them inside of the frame. We carried on doing this with each piece of item. We then created a new frame for our 'limited edition' Pauls Boutique coat. We added text, saying what the pricing was. And added a quote on the side, to reassure the costummers that whoever wore these items would feel good wearing them!