Wednesday 22 May 2013

Minutes (Who is in your group and information of company.)

Minutes for marketing meeting


Agenda (information that will be discussed):


List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.
Roles and responsibilities in your group.
Brainstorm the different methods of advertising your band/song with information about what you would do in that advert (at least 10 ideas).
Summary of the product/artist you are advertising.



Date:4th march 2013


Present: Zoe , Jade , Victoria , Lauren , Mariana and Reiss



Item (what you are discussing)
Actions (ideas that were discussed with final decisions highlighted in yellow)
List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.
Zoe, Jade, Victoria, Lauren, Mariana and Reiss.
Star Entertainment. 02072379316
Roles and responsibilities in your group (team leader, scribe, feedback monitor, time monitor)
Scribe- Zoe Carr J
Reiss and Victoria are the time monitors.
Team leader- Jade J
Lauren and Mariana are the feedback people.
Brainstorm the different methods of advertising your band/song with information about what you would do in that advert (at least 10 ideas).
      1)Print advert
      2)PowerPoint presentation
      3)Flyers / posters
      4) Website
      5) Facebook page/ twitter/ YouTube account
     6) Free demos.
      7) Interview.
      8)Free downloads/ music videos
      9)Write a review on her
    10) Promotion from other celebs.
Summary of the product/artist you are advertising (who, genre, album, song, unique selling point, different target audiences, information about previous success)
Firstly we were going to promote Justin Biebers newest song ‘Nothing Like Us’ , but sadly not everybody in the group did not like him so therefore, we have decided that we are going to promote Demi Lovato’s single Skyscraper. Her genre would be pop/rock. Our target audience are teenagers because they have seen her grow from barney to Disney movies and now to her composing her own music. Her getting so far in life would show her previous success.


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