Wednesday 22 May 2013

Advertising Campaign proposal

Media Production Proposal for Music Advertising Campaign

Group names and contact details:

Lauren Mayne, Reiss Ledwich, Jade Inwood, Zoe Carr, Mariana Morales and Victoria Achola-Wacha.

Harris Academy Bermondsey:

55 Southwark Park Road
London SE16 3TZ

Tel: 0207 237 9316

Project title:

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper

Purpose of advertising campaign:

To promote the single to a different range of people and target audiences.


Advert 1


Type of advert and technique used:

The advert technique that we will use for our first advert is websites this is because we think that now advertising through the internet would be the most effective and easiest way to gain publicity for the song and artist.


When people look at our advert the first things that everyone would properly see is the title at the top which would say ‘Demi Lovato – Skyscraper’ and because we will make the website on Facebook the profile picture of the page would be of Demi Lovato herself. Also, hopefully the next thing that they would be able to see if this is possible is the background of the page if Facebook would allow us to customise one, if this is possible then I would try to make a background of tall grey skyscrapers/tall buildings with either a glassy effect as the song mentions broken glass a lot or if this is not possible then I want to try and make the glass of the skyscrapers showing broken to therefore, symbolise some of the lyrics of the song. Another thing that would be on the Facebook page would be a little video box that would if pressed play would play a short teaser of the song and at the end come up with links for where to buy the song. However, normally if a person views the video on a mobile device such as an iPhone then they would not be able to press the link and continue to the iTunes page were the could purchase the song so therefore because of this I am planning to below the song where the write up would be I want to place the links of the songs again so that apple users could purchase the song as well. Another, thing that I want to include on the page is a comment box so that people who enjoyed or liked the song can comment their feelings and thoughts about it. Finally, one of the lasts things that I think should be included on the Facebook page is a basic write up about Demi so people can get to know her and a link so that people can be easily directed to her official website.

Target Audience:

The target audience for this advert in particular is teenage girls properly aged between 13 to 17 because you have to be at least 13 to create a Facebook account. Another reason why we chose this target audience is because they would be able to look at Demi Lovato as a role model and would properly like the way she dresses and would also be around the same age as her so they would connect more to her music and personality.


For this advert I think that almost all of the technology would be able to be done at the Academy as it would be using pretty simple, everyday programmes that we use in media such as Adobe Photoshop, The internet and possibly an programme such as Movie Maker or an programme similar. Because of this I think that this advert would be extremely cheap. For example, to create a Facebook account is free so we would have no problems there and also all of the programmes that I mentioned we already have available for us in the Academy so there would be no further cost there.


Advert 2


Type of advert and technique used:

The next type of advert that we plan to do is a TV advert preferably on a TV channel such as Disney Channel. We have choose this type of advert mainly because most people actually found out about Demi because she started off her career acting so it seemed like a likely place for her younger fans to find out about her music was on via TV as well.


One of the ideas for this advert was to organise a day on Disney Channel like a ‘Demi Lovato Disney Takeover’ were they would show all of the Disney movies she starred in such as ‘Camp rock’ and ‘Princess protection programme’ and also they would show the TV shows she starred in. For example, ‘Sonny with a chance.’ During this day, between shows and movies were the adverts are usually planned we wanted to instead have Demi Lovato’s song Skyscraper playing with a little banner underneath saying ‘Demi Lovato – Skyscraper’ with a little picture of her next to the writing in the corner.

Target Audience:

The target audience for this advert would be children of both genders between the ages of 4 to 15. This is because for one the children between the ages of 4-12 would be too young to create a Facebook page and see our Facebook advert so therefore, by putting Demi Lovato’s new song and new career choice in a sense in a place where she started and gained all of her first fans would be one of the best choices because not only would her original fans be able to see what she is up to now but she would also gain new younger fans who she would also appeal to.


I think this advert would be more costly then the first because not only would we have to pay Disney Channel to change the whole of their usual shows for Demi’s shows and movies but we would also have to pay them to play her song as their adverts instead of the usual ones. However, as Demi Lovato was originally one of the Disney cast and as she was signed by Disney I think this would cost a lot less then it would have originally if she was not actually originally signed by Disney.

Some of the programmes that I think we would have to use to create this advert is a programme such as Movie maker or similar to create the music video. If we can’t actually create the video itself then I think the next best idea would be to turn the music video into a lyric video to which the audience would be able to eventually sing along and learn the words. Another of the programmes that we would need to use is Adobe Photoshop to create the banner that would be shown underneath the video. Finally, for the shows I think that would already be done by Disney itself because they already have access to all her movies and shows.


Advert 3


Type of advert and technique used:

The third advert that we was planning to do was a magazine advert such as a poster pull out. This is because as Demi is an attractive person by having a poster pull out of her in an men’s magazine (which we have not yet chosen) the male audience would therefore, think she is good looking and then might want to get to know what she does and would be more interested in her music then before.


For this advert, one of the ideas that I have is to have a skyscraper background or to have Demi Lovato wearing possibly a grey dress walking between skyscrapers or possibly even just Demi standing there in a grey dress. One of the reasons why I have chosen the colour grey as the main colour is because skyscrapers tend to be grey in colour. Also, the song has a sense of sadness to it so grey is quite a sad, neutral, sophisticated colour. As well as that we would have writing somewhere on the page saying ‘Demi Lovato – Skyscraper’ and possibly a short write up on Demi herself so they would get to know her. A final thing that we are going to include is at the bottom a link with the iTunes sign so that they would know where to go and listen to a tester of her song and where to go to possibly even buy her song.

Target Audience:

For this advert the target audience is going to be males aged between 16 to 25 because if the target audience was any older it would feel quite creepy as she is around 19 herself. Also, as the advert itself is going to be in a male’s magazine the target audience is obviously going to be males.


For this advert it’s not going to be overly costly but it will still cost a bit because we would need to organise a spot in a male’s magazine and pay to have our advert placed there.  All of the adverts that we have organised and spoke of doing would be able to be done and organised at the academy.

Some of the main programmes that we would have to use to create this advert is Adobe Photoshop because we would have to organise and set out how the advert is layered and where we want to have her placed, the colour palette and just generally how we want our advert to look.


Advert 4

Type of advert and technique used:

The fourth advert that we will have is an iTunes advert so that people know where they can purchase the song.


On this advert I have Demi Lovato Demi Lovato standing in the middle masked over with a Skyscraper so that she and the Skyscraper shaped around her are visible. Also, included in this advert is writing in blue saying ‘Demi Lovato – skyscraper’ and when this song will be available from as well as the iTunes logo.

Target Audience:

This advert I think would appeal to most people of both genders as we don’t actually have anything that is particular stereotyped to one gender.


This advert to create was completely free as I was able to make it in the academy on the programme Adobe Photoshop.

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