Monday 18 March 2013

Evaluation for meeting minutes - 13/3/13

I think while doing my minutes I interacted quite well with my group for example, I always expressed my opinions on whether I agreed or disagreed with their opinions in a polite manner. Also, I continously questionned them so they thought more about the topic. For example, as you can see here from the minutes ''Lauren questions what magazine we would put this in.''
Overall, I am quite please with my contributions because I think that I put forward some good ideas that have been used within the actual work. Also, I think that by asking the questions that I asked we managed as a group to get more detailed ideas put forward that are explained.
Some of the issues that occured were there was some disagreements when we was discussing what age group the third advert should put made for. For example,  ''Although Jade disagrees with this because we need to advertise to a new type of audience which she thinks 21-25s because advertising to 16-21 year olds wouldn't be appropriate. Lauren disagrees with Jade because she thinks that 16 year olds and upwards would be interested in her as she is an older woman who is attractive, and mainly younger people would have a poster on their walls, because an older person would have grown out of this habit. Zoe thinks that it would be a little freaky if 30 year olds was obsessed with Demi' Lovato as she is a young person herself, so she don't think that it would be appropriate for a younger audience to watch her...'' This situation was easily solved because in the end we resulted in doing am overal vote to see what the most people in the group believed was right.
I think to improve my discussion skills I could contribute more so that I make sure that all my opinions, views and ideas are in the minutes.
Another way I think I could improve is by making sure that our whole group is involved in the conversations that are taking place. For instance, I shouold make sure that everyone is engaged in the conversation and everyone has the chance to speak so not only one person is doing all the work.

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