Monday 18 March 2013

Evaluation for meeting minutes - 13/3/13

I think while doing my minutes I interacted quite well with my group for example, I always expressed my opinions on whether I agreed or disagreed with their opinions in a polite manner. Also, I continously questionned them so they thought more about the topic. For example, as you can see here from the minutes ''Lauren questions what magazine we would put this in.''
Overall, I am quite please with my contributions because I think that I put forward some good ideas that have been used within the actual work. Also, I think that by asking the questions that I asked we managed as a group to get more detailed ideas put forward that are explained.
Some of the issues that occured were there was some disagreements when we was discussing what age group the third advert should put made for. For example,  ''Although Jade disagrees with this because we need to advertise to a new type of audience which she thinks 21-25s because advertising to 16-21 year olds wouldn't be appropriate. Lauren disagrees with Jade because she thinks that 16 year olds and upwards would be interested in her as she is an older woman who is attractive, and mainly younger people would have a poster on their walls, because an older person would have grown out of this habit. Zoe thinks that it would be a little freaky if 30 year olds was obsessed with Demi' Lovato as she is a young person herself, so she don't think that it would be appropriate for a younger audience to watch her...'' This situation was easily solved because in the end we resulted in doing am overal vote to see what the most people in the group believed was right.
I think to improve my discussion skills I could contribute more so that I make sure that all my opinions, views and ideas are in the minutes.
Another way I think I could improve is by making sure that our whole group is involved in the conversations that are taking place. For instance, I shouold make sure that everyone is engaged in the conversation and everyone has the chance to speak so not only one person is doing all the work.

Friday 15 March 2013

Meeting minutes - 13/3/13 and 15/3/13

Minutes for marketing meeting

Agenda (information that will be discussed):

·         Identify the 3 target audiences you are going appeal to (age, gender, likes/dislikes, psychographic profile)

·         Brainstorm general ideas for possible adverts.

·         Final decisions on advert 1

·         Final decisions on advert 2

·         Final decisions on advert 3


Date: Wednesday 13th March 2013

Present: Jade, Zoe, Victoria, Mariana and Lauren M.
(Reiss present for advert 2 and 3.)



Item (what you are discussing)
Actions (ideas that were discussed with final decisions highlighted in yellow)
Target audience
Victoria thinks that the target audience should be teenage girls because they look up to her (Demi) as an idol.
Mariana added that this is because they are the same age.
Jade said that she would appeal to teenage girls because she has been through so much and because of this they could relate to her.
Type of advert:
Zoe thinks that we should do a TV advert.
Jade and Victoria agree.
Mariana thinks on the other hand that we should do a print advert because not all teenagers watch TV and that some teenagers think that TV is just a waste of time and they would prefer a poster, ext...
Lauren on the other hand thinks that maybe a website advert will be better because a lot of teenagers spend more time on the internet rather than watching TV or reading a magazine with print adverts.
Jade, Mariana and Victoria agree with doing a website advert.
Zoe disagreed and questioned doing a website advert but later agreed after being persuaded by Jade. Mariana suggests that we should just have 1 video on the page but Lauren disagrees and says that we should add more to keep the audience interested so that they come back to the page more than once.
Psychographic group
Lauren thinks that the psychographic group should be aspirers because Demi is fashionable and quite pretty so girls who are materialistic would want to be like her.
Victoria agrees and adds because her fans would want to be like her and aspire to be like her and they would see that she has been through a lot and they would want to be like her because they would see that she is strong.
Mariana on the other hand think the psychographic group should be the struggler because many people don’t believe in themselves and think that they are less than what they really are Demi Lovato could then make them believe in themselves due to her history.
Mariana, Jade and Zoe also agree with Lauren and Victoria because they would see her as a role model.
In conclusion, overall everyone agrees and thinks that the psychographic group should be aspirers.
Where the advert will be placed.
Mariana puts forward the idea that the website advert should be placed on Facebook.
Lauren agrees with Mariana and adds that Facebook would be a good place for their advert because a lot of people use Facebook and it would be a good way to gain publicity.
Victoria also adds that Facebook would be a good idea because of the adverts that Facebook attaches to the side and that would be an easy way for Demi Lovato fans to find out about her new single.
Mariana adds that Facebook normally has a small advert on the side with very little information so people who are interested would have to click on the advert to learn more.
Zoe and Jade agrees with this and thinks that the advert should defiantly be on Facebook.
Lauren questions how popular Facebook is now compared to Twitter.
Victoria disagrees and adds that there are no adverts really on Twitter and the only place that you can really find adverts or information on Twitter is the ‘discover’ page which she knows from experience is hardly ever used by anybody.
Type of advert:
Mariana thinks that the second advert should be a TV advert preferably on Disney Channel so that it can appeal to children.
Jade adds on to Marianas point by saying because children can’t read it would be easier for them to learn about new music, ext, via TV because they can’t read so it would be impossible for them to understand a print advert and they are too young for Facebook or Twitter.
Lauren also agrees and adds that because most children are familiar with them from shows such as Barney and other Disney channel shows that it would be better if their advert was shown on Disney channel for them to see. Victoria thinks that we should have a banner running along the bottom saying that a Demi Lovato will be on the show later or after the next break or show. Mariana agrees and thinks we should add a picture of her too because children will be more curious to see what Demi Lovato is going to sing or do. This rest of the group agrees with this and thinks we should do this. Reiss said that we should have a Demi lovato weekend on the TV, which would represent how she got famous. Victoria said that we should include a TV show, movies and her music. Jade said this is possible because she was signed by Disney channel, and it would not be copy right.
Psychographic group:
Reiss suggests that the psychographic group will be Mainstreamers because children don’t really have knowledge to be independent; jade agrees because children parents are the ones who decide what they can and cannot do.  Lauren said that this would apply to a Disney advert because Disney is aimed at children and parents would feel safe with them watching the Disney channels because Disney is full of harmless TV shows. Victoria and Mariana agrees with Lauren because all parents would rather let there children watch Disney because parents would think that the programs are sensible enough. The advert should be aimed at children between the ages of 4-15. This would be attracted to both male and female because Disney channel is a unisex.
For our third advert lauren suggests that we should do a poster pull out in a magazine which can also class as a print advert. Zoe thinks that this is a good idea is it could attract male attention. Reiss also thinks that there shouldn’t just be pictures of Demi because we don’t only want it to be baised on her image we want the latest gossip about her and her new tracks and lyrics, also having prizes available. Mariana agrees because men would be attracted to posters because of her body, men would be attracted to her this way, and they would want to keep this image.  Victoria builds on the point by adding that if Demi is in the poster in a male magazine they would want to know more about her because of how beautiful she looks and how she appeals to the opposite sex. Jade also suggests that we should put the apple I tunes logo in the corner so that it appeals to men because they listen to a lot of music. Lauren questions what magazine we would put this in, Victoria then said , to do this we would research different male magazines and see what one has the most ratings and use that for our advert. Mariana disagrees with Victorias answer because they internet doesn’t always give you accurate information. Therefor we might not get the information that we need. Jade suggests that we should research our points on an official Demi Lovato website rather than finding information that we are unaware is true or not. Out age range would be from 16-21. Although Jade disagrees with this because we need to advertise to a new type of audience which she thinks 21-25s because advertising to 16-21 year olds wouldn’t be appropriate. Lauren disagrees with jade because she thinks that 16 year olds and up wars would be interested in her as she is an older woman who is attractive, and mainly younger people would have a poster on their walls, because an older person would have grown out of this habit. Zoe thinks that it would be a little freaky if 30 year olds was obsessed with demi lovato as she is a young person herself, so she don’t think that it would be appropriate for an older audience to watch her. Mariana agrees with Lauren because if we do a wider audience age we would have more views on our poster in the  magazine . Lauren asks what is our final age range is going to be . Victoria and Mariana suggested that for our final age range should be around 16 to 26 years old because if it was any older it would be disturbing. Lauren agrees with Victoria’s  and Mariana’s point because she thinks 16 to 25 years old would be a good age range is wide enough but no too wide. Reiss , Jade and Zoe agrees because it sis a new audience for them to promote to .


Meeting minutes - 4/3/13

Minutes for marketing meeting

Agenda (information that will be discussed):

List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.
Roles and responsibilities in your group.
Brainstorm the different methods of advertising your band/song with information about what you would do in that advert (at least 10 ideas).
Summary of the product/artist you are advertising.


Date:4th march 2013

Present:zoe , jade , Victoria , lauren , mariana, reiss


Item (what you are discussing)
Actions (ideas that were discussed with final decisions highlighted in yellow)
List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.
Zoe, Jade, Victoria, Lauren , Mariana, Reiss.
Star Entertainment. 02072379316
Roles and responsibilities in your group (team leader, scribe, feedback monitor, time monitor)
Scribe- Zoe Carr J
Reiss and Victoria are the time monitors.
Team leader- Jade J
Lauren and Mariana are the feedback people.
Brainstorm the different methods of advertising your band/song with information about what you would do in that advert (at least 10 ideas).
1)      Print advert
2)      PowerPoint presentation
3)      Flyers / posters
4)      Website
5)      Facebook page/ twitter/ YouTube account
6)      Free demos.
7)      Interview.
8)      Free downloads/ music videos
9)      Write a review on her
10)  Promotion from other celebs. +
Summary of the product/artist you are advertising (who, genre, album, song, unique selling point, different target audiences, information about previous success)
Firstly we were going to promote Justin Biebers newest song ‘Nothing Like Us’ , but sadly not everybody in the group did not like him so therefore, we have decided that we are going to promote Demi Lovato’s single Skyscraper. Her genre would be pop/rock. Our target audience are teenagers because they have seen her grow from barney to Disney movies and now to her composing her own music.  Her getting so far in life would show her previous success.

Friday 1 March 2013

Print advert 'Quench' improved.

This is my improved version of my print advert for 'Quench.'
Although, everything looks exactly the same I have tried to improve the hands at the bottom because before the masking was very bad and looked extremely unprofessional and untidy. Now, although the hands are still not perfect I think they look much better.
While, I was improving this piece of work I tried to mask the hands to make them fit in more with the print advert but I found this didn't work because no matter what masking layer I used the hands didn't look right so therefore, I think that overal it was better to leave the hands plain.

Coca-Cola advert analysis:


How does the print advert appeal to the target audience?

All of the Coca-Cola adverts advertise the same product which is ultimately the drink. So therefore, in order to get different people to drink the drink they in conclusion, need to change the target audience in each advert so that they cover everyone whether they are middle-aged men, families or teenage girls.

This particular Coca-Cola advert I would say is targeting the older generation. I think this because the actual mean image of this advert which is a bottle is masked with famous celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley and The Beatle, ect. This makes it appeal to the older generation because bottle itself is showing celebrities from the older generations past when these celebrities were popular celebrity icons.

The psychographic groups that this group would appeal to is the resigned because generally the resigned like to celebrate the past and enjoy traditional, classic things so by using a bottle with all these old celebrity icons it would attract reformers as they would feel comfortable and familiar around this product because it would be from an era that they would remember well as from their younger years.

From looking at the slogan I can easily tell a little more about who Coca-Cola are trying to target because especially the ‘A’ reminds me of the 1950s-60s era. But the slogan also relates to what the slogan is actually telling us because even now in 2013 that particular font still looks stylish.

This therefore shows me and makes me think that although these are fairly old celebrities some being not even around today they are still stylish and classic with many people nowadays still looking up to and having them as role-models so therefore, this shows me that Coca-Cola is using this to show that it too will never go out of style and will forever be a classic. Another reason why by using ‘Classic’ as a way to gain more customers would be that because Coca-Cola has been around for a long time and therefore, some people could say it was a classic it would make people believe that because it has been around for a long time that it must be good otherwise it would have gone out of fashion and people would of stopped drinking it.

The second Coca-Cola I will be looking at is the Christmas edition – Holidays are coming version. I think that this advert would be targeted more towards families because mainly although others may enjoy Christmas when we think of Christmas we generally think of being with our families and/or when we was much younger because back then the whole idea of Christmas was much more exciting and fun. Also, I know from experience that when I was younger and when this advert came on I got very excited because to many people when this advert in particular comes on in November/December you know Christmas is on its way.

I think although this advert may also appeal to others that the main psychographic group that it is targeting in the mainstream because these are everyday people who live in the everyday life. They generally respond to big, established brands that put forward the idea of family which I think a perfect example would be Coca-Cola and especially its Christmas edition advert.

I think there are a few main conventions which are really important to this advert. One of which is the big, red truck which says Coca-Cola with a Santa drinking a Coke on the side. This is because I think that this itself is one of the main conventions which are targeting families because for example, it could have many different meanings it would appeal to children because there is a Santa on the side, mums tend to like anything that would keep their children entertained for even a few minutes and dads stereotypically generally like anything to do with vehicles so therefore, it fits every ones needs.

When this advert is played during Christmas is makes me feel much more excited and ready for Christmas then I felt before it is played. For example, one of the reasons it makes many people more excited because it takes you back to when you was younger because for instance, like the first advert I spoke about this Coca-Cola advert is also a classic but for a different reason because it feels like this advert has been around forever but it is hard to ever get bored of this advert because in a sense it means something to everyone as it takes them back to when they was younger.

This advert makes its consumers and target audience feel that the brand Coca-Cola is a family orientated brand that could be drank by the whole family. And the conventions used help it achieve its purpose of targeting families because they’ve kept everything fairly simple, it is all one colour that everyone is familiar with and red generally along with green is one of the colours that you associate with Christmas and the festivities. Also, still talking about the colours red would be familiar with young children around Christmas because it is the colour of clothing that Father Christmas wears. The main image which is the truck also as it has Father Christmas on the side so it could be interpreted as Father Christmases slay. Which would be delivering and carrying presents showing that the company is trying to suggest that they are delivering Coca-Cola which they are symbolising as presents?

The whole advert itself is trying to give off a magical feel because not only is it using the Coca-Cola truck as father Christmases slay, it is also including sparkles around the advert which many children would associate with fairy dust. This gives the whole advert a more magical feel which would make children want to buy Coca-Cola more because they would believe that by drinking it they too could possibly become magic from the fairy dust. Therefore, because the children would want Coca-Cola so much because of the advert then they would ultimately bug the parents or careers more to buy Coca-Cola, which the parent would because they would want their children to be happy and to also keep the children quiet.

The third and final Coca-Cola advert that I will be analysing is the advert with the penguin stealing the man’s drink of Coca-Cola on the beach.

I think that this advert in particular would be targeted to either young adults to middle aged adults who are very materialistic. I think this because, for one this advert is set at the beach and most materialistic people like the be browned and tanned so by setting the advert at the beach it would mostly appeal to people who are either materialistic or like to travel around a lot. Therefore, because of this I think that the psychographic group that Coca-Cola are trying to target with this advert are aspirers because they are people who care what others think of them and how they look so in conclusion, this advert would appeal to aspirers because they are materialistic and care about how they look so by setting it at the beach it would show them that wow they would be able to show off their beach body, wear a pretty bikini and be able to get brown and tanned all of the things that they would want.

One of the main conventions of this advert is the main image which is of a man sunbathing by the sea when he goes to get his drink which is of course Coca-Cola only to find it missing after a penguin sitting behind his chair had stolen it and is drinking it for himself. This reveals that the brand Coca-Cola is trying to use comedy as a way of bringing in customers.

When looking at the advert you first thing you notice is that the beach with a man sunbathing. It is not until later when you start notice the mans actions and how he is quite disturbed and looking behind for something that is not really there that you realise that there is a penguin behind drinking the drink that the man must have been looking for. This leaves the person looking at the advert in a state of shock and properly finding this quite humorous. Also, not only that but it also leaves me thinking what is a penguin doing on a beach? This factor not only adds to the humour but makes me feel that is a penguin would travel all the way from the Antarctica to the hot beaches of the western world just for a drink of Coca-Cola then it must be good.

However, when we think of beaches like I said early you think of beach bodies and tans. So the company Coca-Cola might be trying to say that if you drink Coca-Cola then you are going to get an amazing beach body with a lovely brown tan that you can strut around the beach in with your numerous bikinis and swim suits.
I think that if these conventions are true and that these are the ideas that Coca-Cola are trying to put forward while advertising Coca-Cola in this way then it would help the advert achieve its purpose of targeting materialistic, aspirers because by using the beach and the humour of the penguin that has travelled so far to get this Coca-Cola then this choice of audience would defiantly want to start to buy and drink Coca-Cola because they always want to be in with the crowd and be the first to get everything that they know is either popular or with be popular in the near future and as we know Coca-Cola is a very popular drink that people all over the world has been drinking for a long time and properly still will be drinking even in the future as new flavours and styles of cans and bottles continue to come out and appeal to every audience possible.