Friday 3 February 2012

Media Production Proposal

Media Production Proposal:
Group names and contact details:
LLM productions
Lauren Mayne.
Project title:
Double Trouble
Type of Video/Radio programme/Magazine (delete as applicable)
-A daily television program that comes on CBBC and on BBC after it’s been broadcasted on CBBC as a +1 program for people who may have missed it on the original channel.
-It’s on at 4:30 on CBBC and 5:30 on BBC1.
-It has its own website where children can play games based on what they have watched and take quizzes to win prizes and trophies to boost up their scores.
-A funny insight into twin life.
Purpose of Product:
To use comedy to entertain children on what two troublesome older/teen twins get up to on their daily life.

Each week we will have regular features including
     -A new adventure with the twins each day.
     -Questions in between after seeing the bad things they have      and how they could have made the situation better or what          they could have done.
     -A speech at the end by the twins saying what they have learnt  that day.

Target Audience:
The television is aimed at children of both sexes, but I think girls will enjoy it more. The children who would watch this I think would be between the ages of 8-12. The children that like this will mostly be adventurous and enjoy comedy. They would mostly not be girly but the occasional one would.


  1. Distinction
    You have written an excellent proposal. You have written it in the correct format and provided information about the name of the programme, the content and who would watch it. You have also said when it would likely be on the TV and the channel we’d see it on.

    You have written in detail about the content of the programme and it is really clear what would be in it each episode.

    You have included detailed information about your audience and explained who they are and what their interests are.

    To make it even better, you could also try to use some media language to make it sound more effective. You can look at the Glossary that is in the Proposal folder in the shared area.
    Mr Monahan

  2. I agree with your comment and think one thing overal that I could do not just for this project is to start to use media related words to make all of my past and future work sound more professional.
