Monday 5 December 2011

MoodBoard- travelling men and women aged 18-25 (Content)

This is my mood board for travelling men and women aged 18-25. I chose most of these pictures because I think that they all symbolise things that people around that age might want to do whether they have alot of money all not.
Men and women around that age are either still studying or just finished their schooling and may or may not have alot of money after paying to go to college or university so I decided to have a choice for both. I they don't exactly have alot of money on the left hand side I have holidays for people to go and do if they don't have alot of money left for instance camping, cycling, volunteering, caravaning, world travelling or even canoeing.
However on the other side (right) I have placed holidays that men and women with quite alot of money left other might want to do for instance going to countries such Ibiza and Magaluf, or beach holidays staying at an hotel or villa, skiing holidays, travelling aeround the world to more exotic countries or spa holidays.


  1. Great mood board. You have included a range of images which give me an idea of what would be in the publication and who the target audience are likely to be.
    Do you think you could add anything else that would indicate the interests and lifestyle of the audience?
    Mr Monahan

  2. I think for this project I didn't include all of the things that people that age would be interested in and I only included what some people might enjoy. For example, I could have included more pictures of people volunteering, world traveling, ect.. I could have even included people climbing mountins for charity. As well as that I would proberly Take away some of the pictures from the other side as people that age might not have the money to do such things after university.
