Monday 19 September 2011

Kanye West

                       NEW!                                OLD!                                      
 I used photoshop to produce my magazine cover. Basically we masked a photo of Kanye West to make it look like he was standing in front of the masthead (Masking is were you cut an image out. which i was able to do successfully), once that was done we used rulers to make sure that our writing was aligned otherwise the work wouldnt look professional. Another tip would be to only use one or two fonts to make sure that the work doesn't look too messy and unprofessional. We also used a magic wand to make the work look clean cut and to look like it hadn't been masked.

I understood this task fully an only needed a little help from others but apart from that I think that I was successfull and done alot for the time given. Whilst doing this task I found out alot about how to set out a magazine cover for instance...
*The writing has to be big and bold.
*The pictures and title have to stand out.
*There has to be bright colours that either match what the person is wearing or has on them.
*The font has to be legible.
*Only use 2 or 3 colours maximum.


  1. Lauren
    This is exellent for a first piece of work. Your masking is excellent. You have added appropriate cover lines and used colours that match the main image.
    At the moment this is a merit.
    To make this even better you should make sure your text is lined up on both sides of the page.
    You could also reduce the gap between the lines of the Kanye West cover line.

    I addition, you should vary the size and colour of the other cover lines so that they are not all the same size.

    Well down so far
    Mr Monahan

  2. To improve this I would now vary the colours so that its not just red and black. I would also make the writing less spaced out because between each letter it looks like there is a space,I would also change the font of the text.
    From your comment I would also reduce the gap between the lines of kanye west cover line.
