Thursday 29 September 2011

                    NEW!                                    OLD!

We done the exact same thing as we done with the other magazines expect with this version we added a background colour(blue) and made the actual picture of  Rihanna, Black and white to make her stand out between the background and the coverlines.
Even though I never finished this magazine fully, I still think I done a good job, even including things such as a barcode.

Friday 23 September 2011

This is my Nicki Manaj Cover Final.
Bascially to produce this I had to choose a picture of a celebrity mine being Nicki Manaj, then create a magazine cover with that picture as the background.
Like what we done with the Kanye West magazine cover we had to use photoshop to produce the magazine then we had to mask the photo by using tools such as magic wand, I think that masking and using the magic wand was the hardest part of the task. Once we had done that we had to include texts in the magazine such as an Masthead and coverlines, but to make it look perfessional we then used rulers to keep the coverlines alligned. Another way to make it look perfessional is to only use one or two fonts and colours. I used two colours the pink for the Masthead and pink for the main Coverhead ''Its Barbie!'' and a dark blue for the other coverlines to match her eyes. 
Then I added extra things such as ''Episode 11'' and the price ''£1.00'' underneath the Masthead and a barcode at the bottom of the page next to barbie!

For the task I was aiming for a Merit and I think I achieved that because I used Rulers and was able to finish my task without any help. I also only used three fonts and two colours to make my work look professional and I think that I masked my work fairly well, and I also added a barcode and episode number and price.

Monday 19 September 2011

Kanye West

                       NEW!                                OLD!                                      
 I used photoshop to produce my magazine cover. Basically we masked a photo of Kanye West to make it look like he was standing in front of the masthead (Masking is were you cut an image out. which i was able to do successfully), once that was done we used rulers to make sure that our writing was aligned otherwise the work wouldnt look professional. Another tip would be to only use one or two fonts to make sure that the work doesn't look too messy and unprofessional. We also used a magic wand to make the work look clean cut and to look like it hadn't been masked.

I understood this task fully an only needed a little help from others but apart from that I think that I was successfull and done alot for the time given. Whilst doing this task I found out alot about how to set out a magazine cover for instance...
*The writing has to be big and bold.
*The pictures and title have to stand out.
*There has to be bright colours that either match what the person is wearing or has on them.
*The font has to be legible.
*Only use 2 or 3 colours maximum.