Friday 23 November 2012

Evaluating my presentation.

Evaluating your presentation:

On Monday me and my group which consisted of Reiss, Ore and myself (Lauren Young our other group member sadly was not present on that day) presented and delivered a presentation about our mockumentary ‘The most noble borough of Bermz.’

My role while we was presenting our show was to discuss and introduced the ‘Gangs’ of our show which were the ‘DKNY Gang,’ the ‘Rough boys gang’ and finally the female equivalent of boys gang the ‘Rude girls gang.’ To introduce the ‘gangs’ I needed to create a part of the presentation to which I would later put with the rest of the groups presentations about the part they was presenting . I also needed to create a script so I knew exactly what I was going to say or if I got stuck on what to say from memory I still had a written document on what I needed to say.

I think compared to how I thought I was going to deliver my presentation I did quite well because in general I don’t like publicly speaking to a big group so because of this I think I did okay. However, I think next time if I needed to deliver a presentation I need to speak more confidently and have more emotion in my voice. Also, although I did use a few hand gestures while presenting my part of the presentation I think next time I should use more because after watching the rest of the classes presentations I think when some people in groups used gestures and had appropriate body language then they engaged the audience more.

The skills that I did well while presenting was that occasionally I gave eye contact with the audience. I did this by instead of constantly reading of my paper or looking back at the presentation slides I looked up and looked at the audience. However, I think next time I should have more eye contact with the audience because it includes them more and makes the people in the audience feel more involved in the presentation and not as if we are just talking at them but talking with them.

Another skill that I think I did well while I was presenting with my group was I did use some hand gestures while I was giving my point. For example, at one point in the presentation I gestured at the screen so that it indicates that something on the screen which just so happened to be a picture of the ‘DKNY gang’ would be useful for the audience to look at as it gives them an image of what I was talking about. A way I could develop this skill is by using gestures not just at the screen but in general because as I said before when other groups used gestures it made the audience engage with them more because they are not just standing still which to me gives the presentation a boring feel and therefore, makes the audience bored and they may start to fidget or get distracted.

On the other hand, the skills that I think I did not use or that I didn’t use effectively was that when I was speaking I spoke in the same tone of voice. For example, other groups changed their tone of voice depending on what they were talking about so for instance, if they was talking about something happy then their voices got higher and more happier in general  but then when they was talking about something sad then their voices would get more lower and deeper.

Another skill that I think I could improve on is although I did speak clearly I think if I spoke more louder and changing my tone of voice then I would’ve looked like I had more confidence and less shy. So therefore, I think that if I worked on how I spoke and presented myself then I would look more confident and professional.

A third skill that I could improve on is my facial expressions. For example, instead of having the same expression on my face I could change it depending on what I am talking about and the mood I am trying to give off. To improve this I think I could practise my expressions at home or whenever I have free time in the mirror so that I can see how I look when speaking about different topics and therefore, I would be able to change the emotions of the audience depending on what I am talking about.

Some of the feedback I got from the rest of my class were that I was good at explaining and giving eye contact. However, this person also said that I had hardly any feeling in my voice and to achieve this I should try speaking louder and/or if I was feeling shy before the presentation I should take deep breaths beforehand.

Another piece of feedback that I got was that I was good at speaking clearly and confidently about the characters in our script. The skill that this person said that I need to develop is that I need to use more tone when I am speaking and to do this I should try gaining more confidence.

A third piece of feedback that I got was that I was good at gaining eye contact and giving some hand gestures. Although, I need to improve my using different tones of voice to create different effects.

A fourth and final piece of feedback that I got was that I had an ok level of volume however to improve I should look at the audience more to communicate with them.

Feedback from when I was halfway through writing my evaluation:
 This is really good, to improve I think you could add the skills you think you did well and you could add comments of other people and the advice they gave you.  Well done…

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