Wednesday 10 October 2012

Treatment - Draft One!

‘The Gangs’

Vixen. Vassy and violin. (Rude girls)

Buster, Box and Basher (Rude boys)

Dianna, Kathleen, Noreen Elizabeth Victoria Francesca Mary Anne Catherine Jill the 7th and Yolanda (DKNY)


Act one: Vixen, Vassy and Violin are introduced while sitting in a park. They are        sitting down on a bench when the camera crew goes up to them and they properly introduce themselves. (For example: ‘’I’m ____ they call me this because ________, ect…) Just after we finish the ‘’Rude Girls’’ basic interviews the ‘’Rude Boys’’ walk out of some flats behind the park. We watch as Vixen and Vassy turn around and groan when they see the boys and as the boys Buster and Basher shout abuse at the ‘’Rude Girls.’’ However, unknown to their ‘’Gangs’’ Violin and Box keep quiet and proceed to just lock eyes with each other. When the rest of the ‘’Gangs’’ eventually find out about their fellow gang members crushes they are EXTREMELY un-impressed.
DKNY ....

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