Wednesday 24 October 2012

Character Profiles: The boy gang (Unfinished)



Company Name: ROLL the camera

Contact details: HAB Southwark Park Road, Bermondsey SE16 3TZ

Title of Show: The most noble borough of Berms.

Type of Show: Mockumentary

Purpose of the Show: To entertain and mock documentaries. Making fun of Bermondsey and Bermondsey life. Stereotypes are exaggerated.

Synopsis: The show follows the lives of different people in Bermondsey; it highlights the strong difference between the ‘posh side’ and the ‘rough/chavvy side’ of the borough. One section follows a gang of ‘rude-girls’ (Vixen, Vassy and Violin) and a group of ‘rough boys’ (Buster, Box and Basher) as they cause havoc on their estate. Once in a while these two gangs come across the DKNY gang (Diana, Kathleen, Noreen Elizabeth Victoria Francesca Mary Anne Catherine Jill the 7th and Yolanda). LIFE SWAP features two very opposite families; The Collingswood’s (who love the Royal Family) and the John. The Collingswood family consists of Joanne (Mother), Sebastian (Father) and Leonardo (15). The John family consists of Aduke (Mother), Timothy Bob (Father), Khadijat (18 months), Dominic (4), Tobi (9), Leanne (13) and Timothy Junior (16). They will take part in activities that ‘the other side’ enjoy (e.g. Tea and Scones and Wild Parties). The Parenting section will have a few random men and women (we do not get to know the characters). Ethel and Joseph Campbell host the ‘Bermondsey Language Lessons’ (they’re about 80).

Target Audience: Targeted at youths, students and young adults as it is a mock of their life.

Analysing Data presentation - Mockumentaries.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Script - Act One, Scene One.

Act One, Scene One.



The group of Rude girls VIXEN, VASSY and VIOLIN are all bunking their school Bermondsey High and taking refuge in the local estate children’s park. The day has so far has been sunny with a slight wintery breeze and the girls have been just as bored as they would’ve been in school. VIXEN is sitting on her phone texting with one foot on the bench, to which she is resting her phone on too help her text. VASSY on the other hand sitting on the back of the bench and is playing with her hair constantly plaiting it, then un-plaiting it and so on whilst humming random songs to herself. VIOLIN who is the quieter one of the group is sitting down as you would normally sit on a bench and multi-tasking from texting on her phone and watching VASSY play with her hair.

NARRATOR (Off-screen in a slight posh voice)

So girls, care to introduce yourselves?

VASSY (Jokey/Slightly Over-excited tone)

-Mocks NARRATORS accent- I’m…


-Butts in- It’s VIXEN, But you already know that     –Rolls eyebrows- Oh yeah VASSY what d’ya think your doin’ talkin’ before me?!


Wh-What? What d’you think I’m doin’ Imma introducing myself or whatever the word iz..


VIXEN (Angry/rude tone)

-Stands up and storms over to VASSY- Nah nah who does this girl think she iz talkin’ to me like I’m some any next donkey…

-Violin rolls her eyes, looks up at the girls arguing before going back to texting-


VASSY (Angry/rude tone)

Why you getting’ rude for tho…

VIOLIN (Angry/rude tone)

-Up in VASSY’S face- But am I getting’ rude tho… You knowz not to talk before me tho so don’t go acting like your innocent tho coz’ you know what I’ll do to your mashed up face..

VASSY (Rude/Angry tone)

Common then man’ what you gon’ do?!

-VIXEN moves closer up in VASSY’s face like they going to hit her-


-Coughs- Girls, Girls calm down… So your VIXEN, VASSY and you are? –The NARRATOR says while pointing to VIOLIN-


-Looks up- It’s VIOLIN…

NARRATOR (Questioning tone)

mmm… What a unique name…

VASSY (Confused tone)

What’s unique tho?


-Rolls her eyes- It means different idiot!


Oh… -Goes back to plaiting her hair-


-Continues to try and get the girls to speak more- So is that your real name VIOLIN?


Nope, I just couldn’t think of anything else beginning with V




VIXEN (Rude tone)

-Kisses teeth- But is it funny tho..


-Taken aback- What? Oh, oh sorry.


Yeah you betta be!


NARRATOR (Awkwardly)

So girls, how comes you’re not in school?

VIXEN (Rudely)

Because we don’t wanna be Kay! It ain’t even any of your business!

VASSY (Childishly)

-Groans- Schools boooooring….


Friday 12 October 2012

Treatment - Draft 2

‘The Gangs’

Vixen, Vassy and violin. (Rude girls)

Buster, Box and Basher (Rude boys)

Dianna, Kathleen, Noreen Elizabeth Victoria Francesca Mary Anne Catherine Jill the 7th and Yolanda (DKNY)

Act one: It’s early afternoon and most other teenagers are at school however, Vixen, Vassy and Violin are doing their usual bunking off of school in the estate park. They all attempt to introduce themselves at the same time which causes a small and petty argument between the girls as Vixen believes she should talk first because as she puts it, she’s the ‘’Boss.’’ Eventually, all the girls introduce themselves and get back to doing what they were doing before and as you can guess, that was absolutely nothing! But trouble is never far away from these girls and just as we start to think that the group of girls isn’t so bad, the girls’ enemies walk round the corner ‘’The Rude Boys.’’ Before, we know it both groups are shouting abuse at each other.  While this is going on unknown to their ‘’Gangs’’ Violin and Box keep quiet and proceed to lock eyes with each other…

Act Two: Dianna, Kathleen, Noreen Elizabeth Victoria Francesca Mary Anne Catherine Jill the 7th and Yolanda who are all members of the ‘DKNY’ gang introduce themselves in an over the top manner. They are continually smiling, blowing kisses and making eye contact with the cameras…
Act Three: The next day, just as Violin shuts her front door behind her Box walks past. As soon as Violin sees Box and they make eye contact she averts her eyes rapidly and tries to quickly get back inside her house. She tries to get back inside a little too enthusiastically but forgets that she shut the front door moments before and ends up slamming head firsts straight into the door. Box runs up and helps her and they end up walking to school together. Once they get to the school gates the quickly part ways after swapping numbers because if any of their friend see them together then all hell would break lose.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Treatment - Draft One!

‘The Gangs’

Vixen. Vassy and violin. (Rude girls)

Buster, Box and Basher (Rude boys)

Dianna, Kathleen, Noreen Elizabeth Victoria Francesca Mary Anne Catherine Jill the 7th and Yolanda (DKNY)


Act one: Vixen, Vassy and Violin are introduced while sitting in a park. They are        sitting down on a bench when the camera crew goes up to them and they properly introduce themselves. (For example: ‘’I’m ____ they call me this because ________, ect…) Just after we finish the ‘’Rude Girls’’ basic interviews the ‘’Rude Boys’’ walk out of some flats behind the park. We watch as Vixen and Vassy turn around and groan when they see the boys and as the boys Buster and Basher shout abuse at the ‘’Rude Girls.’’ However, unknown to their ‘’Gangs’’ Violin and Box keep quiet and proceed to just lock eyes with each other. When the rest of the ‘’Gangs’’ eventually find out about their fellow gang members crushes they are EXTREMELY un-impressed.
DKNY ....