Monday 25 February 2013

'Quench' print advert evaluation:

While doing my final piece of work I used the masking skill to make my main image and the bottles around the image plus, the one the women in holding to make the image more effective and different from the rest of the print adverts that I have previously seen.

The reason I masked the small bottles that are around the main image is because I wanted to create the effect that they are diamonds, because the slogan for my teams drink was ‘A girls bestfriend.’ Which most people say is diamonds after the song that came out. I masked the main image using a sparkly, green background but once that was finished I decided it was too much so I changed it so that the masking layer was lighter and less dramatic. This I think gives the effect that because she has drunk our drink ‘Quench’ she is now sparkling and men are dropping at her feet.

Other things I done to my print advert was I added hands behind the man and woman to make it seem that now she had drunk  ‘Quench’ she is so much more attractive and everybody either wants her or the drink. So by having the hands reaching up for her makes it seem like everyone else will do anything to have her and the drink. I also included apples and blackcurrants as well as the sparkly bottles because without them the background still looked abit plain and by having the main ingredients of the drink visible it not only adds more colour to the print advert but shows the audience that in a way the makers of ‘Quench’ are not hiding anything from them and what you see is what you get. The writing ‘Quench’ and the slogan underneath ‘A girls bestfriend’ was all done in green, cursive writing because I wanted materialistic, aspiring girls to be drawn to the print advert and I personally, feel that that type of writing would draw them in more because it is quite un-normal to have now but most people think that that type of writing is very attractive looking and perfect. So therefore, it would attract to my audience of 18-25 year old girls who want to be the first to have everything and be the best of the best. Also, I think by adding the light, quite see-through looking halo on top of ‘Quench’ shows that the drink is very healthy and good for you unlike most of the other drinks available now. One thing that I do like about the halo is that it is not very solid and too bright that it would begin to clash with the other images and writing on the print advert. To make the once solid halo, slightly more see-through I using the quick-selection tool and then changed it on the side where the rest of the layers are from normal to lighten which gave it a nice lightened effect that made it possible for us to see the rest of the top of the ‘h’ underneath. Another, reason why I quite like the halo is because it breaks up the colour scheme so that the print advert was not too green and plain.

One of the things that I had to change in my print advert was my logo. This was because when I changed the background from a green water droplet to a plain background the writing in the logo saying ‘Quench’ was unable to be seen. So therefore, to resolve this I had to change the colour from black to white.

However, know looking back some of the things that I think still need to be improved are the masking on the hands. When I got feedback on my print advert from my classmates this was one of the most brought up targets. To improve this I could have taken my time when cutting it out so that the white background that it used to have behind it is not visible and it has more of a smooth cut so that it would look more professional.

I think that the least effective part of my print advert is the hands because one they are not really necessary for the print advert like without them I think the advert wouldn’t really change much. Also, the hands don’t exactly match with the whole colour scheme of the advert so in some circumstances you could say that the hands make the whole print advert looks mixed and matched.

However, I think one of the most effective parts of my print advert is the writing for ‘Quench’ and ‘A girls bestfriend.’ This is because I think that the actual writing is what I think shows who the target audience is because you can see just from the writing what gender I am targeting and a bit about their personality that they are girly and fashionable. Also, I think that it is one of the most effective parts because towards the end I added a halo above the writing which I think breaks up to colours and shows that the drink is healthy and good for you.

Monday 11 February 2013

Print design

This print design above has been changed because the background didn't match
                                           So the image above therefore, was my final piece. 
To improve the first print advert I got rid of the green water drop background that was clashing with everything and changed it to a black plain background with shiny bottles of 'Quench', apples and blackcurrent.

Friday 1 February 2013

Quench - Logo

This is my Quench logo which is finished but I think needs to be slightly edited a bit more and fixed up so that it looks more professional and clean cut.
I would give myself a PASS for this attempt.